XP Pro SP3 Remote Desktop does not work!

This worked for me.  I didn’t have to redo my pc.  It’s an old post but it needs reference.  I removed .NET 3.5 SP1 and I was able to connect to an XP Pro SP3 machine.  I have to give credit to the following post: http://help.lockergnome.com/windows/Connect-Windows-XP-SP3-Remote-Desktop-Connection–ftopict585711.html

I removed .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.  .NET 2.0 and 3.0 need to be at service pack 2.  They were at 1 and removing 3.5 SP1 still didn’t work.  So remove 3.5 SP1 and make sure 2.0 and 3.0 are up to SP2.  If not, Windows update. 

Once you’re able to remote desktop you can reinstall 3.5 from Microsoft.  One more thing, the issue I had was on an Optiplex 960.  It was able to connect to another Dell M4400, but not to the other 960 in the office.

Akamai NetSession Interface

I couldn’t find anything on this interface just all of a sudden it was installed on my PC.  I plowed through many results from my google search.

It finally dawned on me that this program may have been installed when I downloaded the Adobe CS4 software.  Just throwing that out there in case it can jog some one’s memory…. like mine.

Setting up SMTP on att.net using another domain

By brother had an issue with outgoing email when he moved to a friends home with att.net.  I read and read etc.  I found a blog on the att.net utalk website.  Funny, I was just going to give up and wouldn’t you know the last post by Scooter and he said:

Port 25 blocking is very common due to spam issues.  If you are setting up Outlook to send email via another domain, try using port 587 for SMTP outgoing; this is supported by most ISP’s.  (using port 587 does not require SSL)


Bloggers Beware

I know it’s pretty easy to overlook but there are spammers out there that will try to meet the current required posts before they start spamming.  One in particular, ARSENTO.  I found this user name placed the same comment on my blog as well as several others.  The following note was found on TRUST ACTIVE (great site I might add):

Arsento Says:

August 10th, 2009 at 5:35 am

In truth, immediately i didn’t understand the essence. But after re-reading all at once became clear.

Also, reading this particular site I saw how ridiculous some of the posts were especially from viagra boy.  Just beware you may be allowing people to post that have malicious things in mind.

Free Remote Access

I couldn’t afford to use these remote access companies like logmein and gotomypc.  I had to find a solution to access my home pc or my wife’s pc when she was on the road.  It had to be a reliable solution that wouldn’t cost me a monthly fee.  A little trick I used, setup a rule in your Outlook Express so that when you send an email to your machine it will respond.  I used ‘home ip’ in the subject.  When I needed to get into my machine from the office, I’d send an email and it would respond with a default message.  Now I had the IP of the machine which you can find by looking at the Properties->Details->Message Source.

Now it gets tricky because I’m behind a router.  So the remote access port had to be forwarded to my machine also.  If your router is setup for remote access, you can access the router and forward the port.  Great, now you can get in to the remote machine (if it’s setup to allow for remote access).

That was one way I was able to get in.  Another, you can get a free account from one of the DDNS (dynamic domain name service) companies.  Then you use their client to run on the remote machine and it will keep a unique name updated with the IP.

I have complete instructions located at Lukeup.com.

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