Akamai NetSession Interface

I couldn’t find anything on this interface just all of a sudden it was installed on my PC.  I plowed through many results from my google search.

It finally dawned on me that this program may have been installed when I downloaded the Adobe CS4 software.  Just throwing that out there in case it can jog some one’s memory…. like mine.

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  1. OMG I was trying to figure out what that akamai netsession came with when I stumbled on this blog. I just recently installed cs4 so now its clear it came with that. It makes sense because since I installed that I kept getting akamai errors on my desktop and found akamai in my uninstall list. So it was CS4 all along that installed it!

  2. I should have put a follow up to this so thanks for the reminder. I put the cs4 file on an other machine and I did not have Akamai any where. I’m more confident that this is the program Adobe uses to help download. Kind of like a download manager.

    I’m very disenchanted with Adobe be cause they sold my cs3 email address. So I’m getting a bunch of trash to that email. See my rant on fighting spam.

  3. *groans*
    I tried the 3 month trial version of CS4 before buying it, suddenly found Akamai on my control panal (and was adequately pissed, I might add) and would NEVER have thought CS4. Figures. :/

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